Thursday, March 27, 2008

Best Supplement Ever!

...if you are coming from one of my newsletters...I pasted the links at the bottom of this post.

Here it is

My favorite supplement for burning fat, eliminating PMS and doing SO MUCH MORE!
There are tons of other benefits!
You would have to be a fool (or a vegan) not to use this food.

Here are some of the benefits found in this powerhouse food or supplement:

Improves overall health
Protection against heart disease, depression, bipolar disease, ADD / ADHD, alcoholism,
postpartum depression, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes & arthritis
Promotes optimal LDL to HDL cholesterol ratio
Promotes cellular integrity
Supports energy levels, concentration & mental acuity
Helps promote healthy pregnancy
Maintains normal blood sugar levels
Helps keep tissues & joints healthy
Fights free radical damage

What is it?
Omega 3 fats

The best source of these essential fats is from fish. I generally promote the use of the oil as a
supplement as opposed to eating fish because the oceans have become so polluted and most fish have
heavy metals, petrochemicals and other poisons....sad, but true.

If you want to learn more, check out:

I generally prefer cod liver oil because it also has vitamins A & D

Living in NYC and not seeing the sun for the past 6 months can make you a little cranky. So vitamin D is crucial for optimal health & mood and has these benefits:

Essential for a strong skeletal system
Helps regulate blood levels of calcium and phosphorus
Promotes bone formation and mineralization
Regulates cellular integrity
Promotes healthy immune function
Plays a role in healthy blood sugar levels
Improves mood
Promotes a healthy heart
Helps regulate proper body weight
Helps maintain a healthy reproductive system
Promotes healthy tissue
Helps contribute to an overall sense of well-being

Here are some benefits of Vitamin A:

Helps maintain healthy vision
Promotes healthy thyroid function
Promotes a healthy immune function
Keeps mucous membranes healthy
Promotes normal inflammatory response

The liquid form is superior to capsules
Certain brands are superior to others

For all my readers outside the USA, you may have to do some research.
The brands I get and recommend to my clients are:

Dr Ron's is the highest quality product on the market
Dr Ron's also comes as a liquid with a butter oil and cinnamon and it actually taste like candy!
I am not kidding!

Carlson's cod liver oil is exceptional in quality and purity

What about Flax Seed Oil?

Just to clarify a common misconception - flax seed oil is an inferior form of
Omega 3 because you may be getting rancid oil and most people cannot convert
the ALA into DHA and EPA which are the main benefits of fish oil.

There it is folks!
Feel free to email me any fish oil brands you find outside the US and I'll do my best to research the company.
Have a great weekend and talk to you next week


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ready for the Beach?

Are you Ready for the Beach?

Spring time officially started last week and that means 2 things here in NYC:

1) It's still cold, so be patient :-( but you can get excited and start planning! :-)

2) Get the shorts and bikinis out NOW and get ready to hit the beach! Woohoo!!!!

Have you followed the advice in my newsletters?

I get feedback every week from my subscribers and the ones that have followed my tips are getting amazing results.

Here are my top 10 tips to get your beach body now:

1) Eat 4-6 times per day - NO MATTER WHAT!

2) Drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day - spaced out in between your meals!

3) Have a very clear reason WHY you want to get in shape and create a new, lean sexy body.

4) The way to stick to your fat loss goals - and not fall off the wagon - is to KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE WHY!

5) Keep your WHY on an index card, business card, document on your desktop or in a folder and have it on hand all day long.

6) Visualize your new lean, energetic, sexy body at least twice a day.

7) Make a vision board of the life you are creating and update it often. Have much more than just your body, add all elements of a healthy, fulfilling life to your board - including material items you want (car, clothing, surfboard, etc), spiritual, social, financial, personal, relaionship and your ideal career.

8) Make a plan! How will you create this life? Start with the top 7 steps to get it done!

9) Take action every day - from your top 7 action steps - from exercising, shopping, and spending time with people who support you and share the same values.

10) Appreciate what is working in your life and practice an attitude of gratitude. I coach people in stress management and one of the most important techniques I teach is not only how to cope with challeneges in life, but how to cope with the blessings in life: Count your blessings!

Yes, these are simple tips.

Some of them might be blatantly obvious.

Often, the simple and obvious tips are the most effective.

Don't get caught up in all the details, and don't focus on what you don't want - simply look at the big picture and create a vision for the life you are creating.

Count your blessings and go out and kick ass today!

I have a tele-seminar coming up with the author of The Diet Solution so stay tuned....

Yours in Health


Professional Stress Crusher

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Water, Water Everywhere and Not a Drop to Drink...

What to do about drinking water?

I recommend drinking bottled water from European or other remote lands far away from the U.S. as the cleanest sources of water.
Try to find glass bottles, if you can.


There are no clean water sources in the U.S.
Glass bottles are healthier, not only for the environment but also for your health.

Plastic bottles leach fake estrogens and other harmful particles (that don't belong in our bodies) into the water and there are serious health problems that arise from this. The longer the water sits in plastic, especially with the heat involved in shipping, the worse it is for you.

Why expensive European brands?

The quality is better and they spend less time in the bottles in shipping and on shelves and therefore are generally healthier.

You can also look into in-home water filtration systems, but they also present some difficulties and some of them waste a lot of water in the process as well.

OMG - But what about the environmental cost of importing something that's available here and plastics are not good for the environment!!!

Remember this -- there is an environmental issue with EVERYTHING you eat, drink or purchase!

So I suggest you make wise decisions that create health for you and the planet. Honestly, how much can you contribute to this planet when your sick and tired from drinking crappy water?

If you sacrifice your health to save the environment, you end up with a healthy planet and sick people.
Why not recycle and save yourself and the planet?

You are the most valuable component to this planet & environment.

The health of the planet is a reflection of its people's health.

When you are healthy, you set an example for others to follow.

So by taking responsibility for your own health, you can do a lot more for the planet than you can when you drink tap water that is full of parasites, heavy metals, PCB's, industrial waste, sewage, petro-chemicals and not to mention the massive quantities of pharmaceuticals that your Brita filter just can't clean.
Three final notes --

1 - Don't be fooled by Dasani or Aquafina - they are made by Coke and Pepsi and are nothing more than toilet water.

2 - If you can't afford bottled water, then get a better job. Seriously, if you can not afford to be healthy, your job sucks. Life is not meant to be a struggle, so get clear on your dreams and using a smart plan, follow them diligently with all your heart & soul, and the money will come. You can do more for this planet the more money you have.

3 - In case you run up against a trendy, neurotic GREEN co-worker who is self-righteous and makes passive aggressive comments about drinking bottled water, remember this --

...their Gap jeans and Nike shoes were made in sweatshops in third world countries where underage and underpaid 'employees' are being exploited

...their Starbucks liquid crack is draining their hormonal system, making them irritable and unable to reproduce and those supersized cups can't be recycled anyway

...their junk food diet is being manufactured by mega-corporate giants who are selling addictive foods and harmful chemicals to children

....the alcohol they drink is a massive waste of natural resources

....and last year when they didn't give a damn about the environment, you were already working out, eating organic and saving the get the point.

Keep an eye out for new developments in water filtration systems.
Drink clean water & eat organic food from small, local farms and you can do more for the environment when you are healthier.



Drugs in Your Drinking Water

Would you like drugs with your drinking water?

You may have heard about this by now, but it's something everyone needs to know about.

A wide variety of pharmaceutical drugs have been found in drinking water supplies across the U.S in 24 major metropolitan areas - from Southern California to New York, Philly, Detroit and name a few.

The Associated Press completed an extensive research project and surveyed the nation's 50 largest cities and here is what they came up with:

* Officials in Philadelphia said testing there discovered 56 pharmaceuticals or byproducts in treated drinking water, including medicines for pain, infection, high cholesterol, asthma, epilepsy, mental illness and heart problems. Sixty-three pharmaceuticals or byproducts were found in the city's watersheds.

* Anti-epileptic and anti-anxiety medications were detected in a portion of the treated drinking water for 18.5 million people in Southern California.

* Researchers found metabolized angina medicine and the mood-stabilizers in drinking water from a water treatment plant Northern New Jersey which serves 850,000 people.

* A sex hormone was detected in San Francisco's drinking water.

* The drinking water for Washington, D.C., and surrounding areas tested positive for six pharmaceuticals.

* Three medications, including an antibiotic, were found in drinking water supplied to Tucson, Ariz.

* How about New York City which has a reputation for the best drinking water in the country? They found trace concentrations of 16 medications including heart medicine, infection fighters, estrogen, anti-convulsants, a mood stabilizer and a tranquilizer.

This is just a small portion of the reports findings.

How do drugs end up in our water?

Simple, they pass through the body and end up in your toilet, which eventually ends up back into your drinking water.

Awesome! ;)

I don't know about you, but I'm not drinking that kind of water. I would imagine that you feel the same way.

And let's not forget chlorine and fluoride. Do a little research yourself and you may be surprised what you find. There's evidence that adding chlorine makes some pharmaceuticals more toxic.

If you know me, you know I have been saying this for years and it's finally hitting the mainstream.

So what's the solution for drinking water?

* Drink half your body weight in ounces of water every day.

* Don't drink tap water. Drink clean, spring water from European sources, in glass bottles if you can.

* If you can't get clean spring water, then add a tiny pinch of Celtic Sea Salt to your water bottles.

Now, I know some people are going to whine about how plastic bottles are not good for the environment - and anything being shipped overseas is a waste of natural resources.

So just wait until Wednesday for my next newsletter covering these specific environmental issues that everyone 'going green' needs to hear.

Until next time, don't drink toilet water and talk soon