Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fitness Inspiration

Bloating and Gas and Farting - Oh My!

You giggle about it with friends, but you would never do it on a date.
You can’t stand it when your fiancĂ© does it, but…

Would you like to know what causes gas, bloating & farting?

More importantly, would you like to know how to stop it????

Flatulence, a.k.a farting (go ahead say it! You know it’s funny!) is one of the best indicators of food sensitivities / intolerance.

Some flatulence (flatus, wind or gas) is a normal once in a while. It's a product of all mammals’ digestive process; if you have a dog then you know what I mean. It’s basically methane - a colorless, odorless gas – that should pass easily, should not feel hot or stink up the place!

If you feel pressure or heat, or if you are constantly making jokes about your boyfriends’ Dutch oven, this may be a sign of not digesting certain foods properly and that slowly damages the digestive system. Gaining weight will happen, but is the least of your worries in this case.

Keep a food journal and notice what happens immediately and for 2-3 hours after you eat. Look for bloating, gas, farting, mood swings, acne and fatigue.

You'll be doing yourself a favor and, more importantly, you can avoid possible serious health risks if you want to be lean, have children and live a long and fulfilling life.

Some people suggest 20 to 40 grams of fiber daily are an essential part of a healthy diet! But as I discuss in my BLOG – this ONE SIZE FITS ALL approach to eating doesn’t work. Some people may need more, some people less.

Many people over 35 have digestive systems that are simply too weak to digest raw vegetables. Yes, some fruits & vegetables should be eaten raw, but until your inner ecosystem is healthy, you may have trouble digesting raw vegetables.

I suggest lightly cooking vegetables by baking, simmering, sautéing or lightly steaming them to make them more digestible. You can also use butter or coconut oil to make them more nutritious and delicious.

Most people over 35 have a dysfunctional digestive system. Years of dieting, diet sodas, coffee, sugar, unmanaged stress and artificial/synthetic ingredients in processed foods have damaged their metabolism.

I have most of my clients over 35 take a Digestive Enzyme until we figure out exactly what’s going on. My favorite is Support Digestion from

Gluten is the protein found in most grains except buckwheat, millet, rice and corn. Gluten intolerance is very common and found most frequently in people with Irish, English, Scottish, Scandinavian, Northern European and Eastern European backgrounds.

The best way to discover if you are intolerant, is to cut out breads, pasta's and all grains for 2-3 months. After 90 days add a small of gluten back into your diet. If you show any signs and symptoms, then you are gluten intolerant.

If you cut out grains and processed carbs for just a few weeks, YOU WILL LOSE FAT - since all carbs are sugars!

If you really want to eat grains, you can purchase gluten free products (breads, rice pasta's, bars, crackers, etc) from Whole Foods.

You can visit websites such as these to order gluten free products online.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

4 Unhealthy 'Health' Foods

I meet LOTS of women in NYC who tell me they want to get in shape, lose body fat and look & feel fabulous.

Many of them are really excited to tell me about their diet and exercise routines and say things like 'this works for me' or 'I love it.'

I have yet to figure out WHY they are meeting with me in the first place if what they are doing is 'working so well' or they 'love it' so much.

The truth is this - the dark circles under the eyes, fatigue, late afternoon energy drop, coffee addiction & sugar cravings, bloating and excess bodyfat tell me a different story.

Just because something is popular in magazines, gyms or on TV does not mean that is true, that it works or that it is HEALTHY.

Here are 4 'health food' myths that are very popular right now in New York City that are anything but 'healthy.'

1 - RAW FOOD DIETS - Yes, its popular and no it is not natural, sustainable or healthy. Plan on skiiing this year? What about a trip to Costa Rica? Visiting family in Illinois or Florida? Other than fruits, vegetables and some nuts, you won't have much luck finding raw foods restaurants anywhere except Manhattan or LA.

It is very important to have raw foods in your diet, including fruits and certain vegetables. However, there is insufficient protein and saturated fat to make raw foods a healthy diet for any human being. The idea that saturated fat is bad for you or clogs your arteries is completely false and not supported by any real science and I discuss this in my f.r.e.e report

Since raw foods are heavy in calories (loaded with nuts & coconut), one small desert can pack on the pounds. If you have a sweet tooth, these are better desert choices, but you'll have to plan your meal accordingly.

I love Pure Food and Wine take out, as an addition to my main course and only once in awhile.

The premise of the raw foods philsosophy is that raw foods are 'alkaline' and becoming too 'acidic' makes you sick and diseased. They say that eating meat or cooked foods makes you 'acidic.'

What they don't understand is that exercise also makes you 'acidic.'

So if you the 'alkalinize or die' motto were true, all my female clients who are lean & strong, yet still maintain a beautiful feminine aesthetic with excellent posture and have an abundance of energy - would have died a long time ago from all the squatting, interval training or med ball conditioning that we do.

Also, there are cultures around the world, who live healthy, robust and long lives and are free from cancer, heart disease, diabetes and many other self-induced diseases adn they eat plenty of meat - including raw meat and organ meats.

The idea that any one food acts the same in all people is ignorance. This 'one size fits all' approach to eating is DEAD.

Don't fall for it. Get my report or go to and sign up for his newsletter to learn what works and what doesn't work for women's nutrition.

2 - WHOLE GRAINS - Yes, whole grains are better than refined, processed grains, but they are still not healthy. If you compressed human history into one year, we have only been eating grains for about one day. The human being is not designed to eat grains and all you have to do is look at your co-workers to see who eats the most grains and who eats the least and you will see the difference.

This is a popular myth that causes many women to have skin problems, bloating and excess body fat. The bottom line is this - grains are carbs. All carbs are sugar. Reduce grains and you reduce sugar in your diet. What does that mean? You will lose more body fat, stabilize your blood sugar levels & mood, improve your health and prevent disease.

I suggest my new clients avoid grains except for millet, buckwheat and starchy carbs like brown rice & corn. Since 75% of the poppulation is sensitive to gluten (the protein in grains) grains are best left alone to the rest of America who is addicted to sugars.

3 - Dairy Products - Although yogurt is popular and your OBGYN may have suggested it for its active cultures(aka probiotics), pastuerized dairy is anything but healthy and may be causing your skin issues and bloating and make it difficult to lose that last 5 pounds.

Simply put - commercial dairy products contain hormones, antibiotics and pesticides from their feed. Commercial dairy cows are fed grains, not grass, like they are designed to. This changes the composition of the fats, especially the CLA content.

Here is an excerpt from Sally Fallon, author of my favorite cookbook 'Nourishing Traditions':

'Pasteurization destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamin content, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamin B12 and vitamin B6, kills beneficial bacteria, promotes pathogens and is associated with allergies, increased tooth decay, colic in infants, growth problems in children, osteoporosis, arthritis, heart disease and cancer.

Calves fed pasteurized milk die before maturity.'

You can get better quality probiotics whi I highly recomend from or

Do your body good by finding raw milk in your area or just don't touch it. Look up

NOTE - even people who cannot tolerate dairy generally can eat butter. I recomend butter to everyone.

If you want to learn the importance of butter and see why pasteurized dairy products are crap, go to to learn more.

4 - Cliff Bars or other junk food 'health' food bars -
Here is where raw foods comes in handy. Raw food bars are the only healthy bars on the market and the most popular bars are usually the worst, especially Cliff bars, Power bars and Balance bars. These 'energy' or 'protein' bars that you find at Whole Foods are full of sugars, grains and synthetic, processed dairy products and other ingredients and require MORE ENERGY TO PROCESS than teh actual energy they deliver. Thats one of the problems. The bloating and farting is another.

What does that mean to people who love these bars?

It means you will have to eat real food and plan your meals if you really want to be successful and lose fat, get fit and live a healthy and inspired life.

Making some of these changes may seem difficult if you are just starting out, but go back to the previous posts about Planning Your Success and everything will work out for the best. I promise.


Monday, January 21, 2008

7 Pieces to the Fitness & Fat Loss Puzzle

There are 7 pieces to the health, fitness and fat loss puzzle
It's not just about exercise
Its not just about eating

A truly holistic, or whole person approach to health, fitnes and fat loss involves
understanding and managing:

1 - Mindset - your thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and strategies about life.
This includes your goals and balancing emotions. Not managing your mindet is like letting
monkeys run wild in your office. When you have a clear Vision... set goals to achieve your
vision....stay focused and enjoy the process of your creating your Vision...understand
that everyone and everything has a purpose in your journey and every event is designed to
keep you on track to your Vision so you can live the life you deserve.
It might not be popular, but it is essential for a healthy, fit and inspired life.

2 - Breath - breathing sits at the top of the health totem pole. Learning how to breathe
properly is necessary for a strong metabolism.

3 - Eating - boils down to 2 things: quality & quantity. Awareness of how food makes you
feel is the first step to success. Everybody is unique and discovering
what works best for you is part of the journey. Each person tolerates carbs differently and
requires differnt amounts of fat and protein - discover what works best for you or refer
back to my last email to get Paul Chek's book so you can learn right away.

4 - Exercise - again, this is individualized. The more stress one has, the less cardio and
strength training needed. The more sress, the more mind-body and restorative work
should be done. The less stress, the more strength training the body can handle.
You can get great results with a 'less is more' approach when you learn a few intelligent

5 - Hydration - simply put - drink half your body weight in ounces of clean water per day.

6 - Rest - 'wind down' before hitting the sack and do your best to get to bed by 10:30 pm.
TV stimulates your nervous and hormonal systemsand thats not conducive for fat loss or
health & vitality.

7 - Stress Management - unmanaged stress produces cortisol which makes you fat, tired and
age prematurely. It is associated with almost every disease known. There are 6 types of
stress and I will cover this more in upcoming newsletters. The two biggest are mental/
emotional stress, either from yourself or others. Refer to #1 above for the first step in
reducing stress. The other is chemical stress. Chemicals can come from industrialized
household cleaning products, recreational drugs and mostly from processed (man made)
foods as well as alcohol, soda and coffee.

Understanding this whole-person, or holistic, approach to fitness & fat loss gives you an
advantage over 95% of the fat loss programs out there. Yes you will lose fat, but you will
also IMPROVE the QUALITY of your life.

Focus on these 7 pieces of the puzzle will help you get fit, lose fat and live a healthy and
inspired life.

Untill next time,

Friday, January 11, 2008

Cardio for Fat a cool video

Lesson 3 Cardio for Fat Loss a cool video...

Everyone seems to be doing cardio right after New Years.
So it must be the best thing to do....right?

Most people have good intentions, but bad ideas with exercise.
Cardio is the perfect example...

What if I told you that cardio is actually the worst type of exercise for fat loss and health?

Would you doubt me because everyone at the gym does it?
Do you need research or can you think for yourself and just LOOK at people running in the streets or on the treadmills to see how unhealthy and miserable they are?
Look at their faces and you will see desperation, stress, pain or the look of someone fiending from a high they're getting....

Getting high doesn't erase depression or burn stress...
When you come down from that high, guess what?
Metabolism slows back down and the depression and stress are still right there!
Next time you go to the gym or health club - look at the people who are there consistently doing healthy strength training. It's rare, but if you look, you will find them...and they look good.

Then look at those people who are doing cardio. There is more of them, they are inconsistent and the look on their faces or their posture says it all...

Cardio does not burn fat.
Cardio does not burn stress.
FACT - cardio causes hormonal stress that makes you fat and age before your time.

If you are overweight, cardio is a bad idea because you have too much weight to be pounding into your joints and already have hormonal stress - cardio makes it worse.

The BEST way to burn fat, improve your health, get strong and lean is with a LESS IS MORE approach to exercise.

If you are overweight:
Walk outdoors for 20-30 minutes and follow the eating guidelines in my fre.e report.

If you are healthy and have just a little fat to lose:
Exercise 3-4 days per week with total body exercises that use Swiss Ball and bodyweight exercises only.
Workouts should last 30 minutes.
If you really want to do cardio, do less than 20 minutes at a time on alternate days from your strength training. Or you can do 1 or 2 interval training sessions per week - that's it!
Interval training is much more effective - 10-15 seconds of high intensity walking/elliptical followed by 45 seconds easy walk and repeat 2-3 times.

If you are overwhelmed, overstressed, underslept, addicted to coffee and tired during the day - you don't need traditional gym exercise, you need:
Walking, yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gong
Reduce your stress
Get more rest
Drink more water
Eat better QUALITY food, especially more fat and protein
Find a job you LOVE

Since everyone is an individual - internet fitness guidelines don't make a lot of sense. I strongly suggest you get a book or hire a coach. Even if you see a coach once a month.
My favorite book to get started and INDIVIDUALIZE your plan is Paul Chek's 'How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy.' You can get it at

Also, I am building an online community where you will get direct access to me, my coaches, my goal setting system, recipes, a blog and guidelines on how to live a healthy and inspired life - so stay tuned.

In the meanwhile, check out this short, but VERY COOL video and hit the gym before you go out tonight...

Have a great weekend

Antonio Valladares
Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach
Exercise Specialist

Thursday, January 03, 2008

#1 Fat Loss Tip for ‘08

Planning Your Success part 2

What’s the most effective way to burn fat and achieve all your health, fitness and fat loss goals this year?

It’s not generic crap that we are seeing all over the internet this week.

It’s Planning.

That’s right – planning for success. You plan your vacation, don’t you?
You plan your finances, right? Some people even plan their outfits for the next day. Yet how many people plan their health, fitness and fat loss success?

In the last newsletter I shared the first half of this successful formula. If you set New Years Resolutions – write down what they are and refer back to Lesson #1.

Here is the second half that will show you how to stick your goals and master the fitness mindset.

Lesson #1 and 2 can be found at our blog –

I also added some fat burning exercise tips as well ;)

Step 3 - Aligning Your Goals with What You Love
Go through each area of life in your Vision and list 10-20 ways that achieving your goal will benefit, serve or enhance that area of your Vision.

For example -
How will losing 10 pounds of fat enhance or benefit your CAREER?
Will you have more energy, less fatigue and better focus?
Does that help you to be more effective & efficient at your work?
Will reduced stress make you a happier, more productive person?
Will you earn more respect from co-workers or your boss?
Will your productivity increase your chance for pay raise or promotion?
Will you have more clarity & confidence after exercising and eating a healthy breakfast first thing in the morning before work?

List the benefits and don’t stop until you feel inspired and have certainty about your goals.

This is a powerful mental exercise and it pays BIG TIME. Do the work.
List 10-20 benefits and your goals become much more meaningful and you will achieve them - success is guaranteed! You may have to do this daily, weekly or monthly – all depends on you and it’s worth it.

Step 4 - Planning
Plan your workouts in advance – what days and times are best for you?
Create your food shopping list IN ADVANCE.
Plan your grocery shopping, grocery delivery or online ordering - usually 2-3 days per week if you eat whole, fresh foods.
Plan your weekly meal schedule - do you need to cook for 2-3 days in advance and have ready-to-go meals?
Which restaurants or deli’s are close to work so its EASY for you to get your meals?
Collect the menu’s, phone numbers and websites of what you need to have your food ready to eat – BEFORE you get hungry.

Fat loss tips -
The healthiest & leanest people only workout 3 or 4 days per week for less than an hour each time ;)
Don’t waste your time with cardio –it does NOT ‘burn’ stress or fat!
Get Paul Chek’s ‘How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy’ book and you will know more than 95% of the personal trainers in the industry
Every meal should have a protein, fat and carb.
Eat 4-6 times per day.
Crappy food = crappy body.

Remember, failing to plan is planning to fail. Plan your success.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Holiday Tips so You DONT Gain Weight

Holiday Tips so you DON’T Gain Weight….

Although everyone likes to give and look out for others during the holidays, if you are tired, bloated, hung over and beating yourself up emotionally from partying and overeating, you cant really ‘give’ much of yourself or ‘look out for others’ when you don’t feel well - can you? To have a wonderful holiday experience and get started on your fitness and fat loss goals and still enjoy some parties, follow these simple, yet powerful tips that are proven to work and you might even lose a pound or two during the holidays….

1 - Take care of yourself FIRST and you will have plenty of love & energy to give others. Set goals to not overextend your self, your bank account or your stomach this holiday season. Set health, fitness and weight loss goals NOW, not New Years. New Years Resolutions DO NOT WORK so don’t bother. Instead, go out and have fun on New Years and forget the whole resolution thing! Set realistic goals NOW for the next 4-6 weeks. Then make your personal projections for the first quarter of 2008, by asking yourself these health, fitness & lifestyle questions – Who would I love to be? What would I love to do? How would I love to look and feel? Ask yourself daily.

2 – Get in mini-exercise sessions whenever you can. Don’t worry about getting to the gym for an hour and don’t waste time with cardio. My 15 min body weight workouts will do the trick. Exercise the morning of your company or family parties and stay true to your self by setting realistic goals for eating and drinking and getting to sleep at a reasonable time.

3 - Focus on food quality and quantity throughout the holidays. Every meal should have a protein, fat and carb. Your stomach is not any bigger during the holidays so don't treat it as such. Every meal should have a protein, fat and carb. Split the meals up into thirds untill you know what your metabolic type is.

4 – Get Up, Get On Up! Dance or go for a walk after dinner. If you’re at a company party and want to dance, wait a little while to start digestion and then get on up and hit the dance floor! If your home with family, go for a nice walk with your nephews and your brother’s dog. Walking is man’s best medicine and will help digest your meal.

5 – Alcohol - if you are going to drink alcohol, set goals and limits. Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Have a small snack like a handful of walnuts or almonds or bring fish oil pills or get a fat/protein appetizer like cheese, fish or avocado. If you wake up hung-over, don’t beat yourself up. Just get up and set goals to take better care of yourself and feel better more often.

6 – You cant BURN OFF what you did on the treadmill. That’s a lie so don’t buy into it. Don’t drink sugar-loaded mixed drinks just because they are cute or trendy. Also, there is no difference between red wine and tequila – all alcohol is a highly refined sugar that causes intoxication, inflammation and weight gain. No, there is no antioxidant benefit to drinking wine – especially when your getting smashed and eating crap. That’s another lie so its best not to lie and just be honest. Want to be healthy? Stop getting drunk. Period.

7 –Drink water – half your body weight in ounces every day. Add a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt and drink 10-15 minutes before dinner. This will help you digest your meal better.

PS– I will be switching to another newsletter service in the nest week or two – you will be sent an email asking you to confirm your subscription in order to continue receiving these newsletters. Remember, this newsletter is now weekly AND you also get a 5 week e-course, a preview of my upcoming book and a complementary teleseminar with a world-class nutritionist….or you can beat the crowds and head on over to and sign up NOW!

PSS – I am teaching a live workshop in January on achieving ALL your health, fitness and weight loss goals. Discover exactly what you need to know if you want to sculpt the body of your dreams, reduce stress and live a healthy and inspired life! Keep your eyes open for my next newsletter with details!!!

Planning Your Success

Getting results doesn't happen by chance or by miracle - it happens with intelligent planning. This exercise includes the secret that
most 'experts' know nothing about - setting and achieving goals.
Remember, failing to plan is planning to fail.

If you don't want to be one of the 98% of dieters who fail, then take the time to do this exercise - it will change your life.

1 - Start with a Vision

Your Vision is your mental image of the life you would love to live. Your Vision is much broader and more compelling than a goal. Your goals are easier to achieve when they are attached to a Vision that you created.

When you encounter challenges, which you will, your Vision will inspire you to keep going because it is more meaningful than a goal. You will have less distraction and will not allow obstacles to slow you down when you have a clear Vision. Your Vision involves all areas of life and you can start with 2-3 sentences in each area. Ask yourself, who would I love to be in each area:

a) Physical - health/fitness/material goods like clothing, car, house, etc
b) Personal - mental/emotional growth; what makes you unique?
c) Career - do you love what you do? what would you love to do?
d) Financial - how much would you love to earn, invest and spend?
e) Family - immediate or future family
f) Social - socializing, networking, contributing to society
g) Spiritual - your connection with god, the universe or others

2 - Set Specific Goals

List 2-3 SPECIFIC and REALISTIC goals you would love to achieve THIS MONTH ONLY. Don't just say 'lose weight' or 'I want to be happy' - get crystal clear on what you would love to do with your body, health and fitness. Be creative and think outside the box - workout schedule, grocery shopping, fun & creative endeavors, energy levels, body fat, drop one dress size, lose inches, new wardrobe, weekend sports with your nephews, snowboarding or surfing lessons, hiring a coach, quality sleep, better focus and clarity, balanced emotions, etc...

3 - Attach Your Goals to Your Vision

Go through each part of your Vision and list 5-10 reasons how achieving this goal will enhance or benefit that part of your Vision. For example, if your goals is to lose 5 pounds of body fat, start with your favorite part – i.e. Spiritual - and list how being lean, healthy, stronger and 5 pounds lighter will enhance your ability:
to connect with, be more present and compassionate with others, love yourself & family better, less focused on body image and bloating and more focused on journaling, reading or spending time developing a spiritual practice or studying world religions. Whatever your definition of spiritual is – just list the benefits and your goals become much more inspiring than just 'lose wei.ght' or ‘join a gym.’

I am sure you are anxious to get the real deal on fat burning foods and exercise -but trust me, this first lesson is THE way to guaranteed results. The following 4 lessons are all about fat burning foods, how to individualize your eating, the best and worst exercise for fat loss and lifestyle factors that contribute to flatter abs and leaner bodies.

Talk soon

PS - If you have any questions or want to see something specific in
your newsletter, please email me at