Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Favorite Exercise

One of my colleagues in Australia trains the world champion in surfing and you can see them training some sick athletic drills in a '60 minutes' segment that was aired recently.

You can check out the video by clicking HERE

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Biggest Mistake in Women's Fat Loss

I want to share with you the biggest mistake I have seen in my 15 years as a fitness & nutrition professional:

Its the 'one size fits all approach' to exercise, eating and lifestyle.

Look, the majority of nutrition 'experts' today and practically every magazine and email newsletter I have ever seen constantly regurgitate the same guidelines that everyone else has for the past 30 years -- and even though it CLEARLY isn't working, we are inundated with the same generic 'one size fits all' info daily.


Your eating, exercise and lifestyle needs are unique.

You dont buy cookie cutter dresses that every one else is wearing out of a Sears catalog do you?
No, most women I know do a lot of 'research' in fashion magazines and people watching and are expert shoppers.
They are crystal clear on what they will or will not wear.

You dont randomly pick and choose what some anonymous author or editor tells you to wear - do you?

Yet, when it comes to eating & exercise - thats exactly what I see & hear almost daily.

How do you know how unique you are?

Your mom probably gave you some insight in to this as a child...and if she is like my mom, she still tells you how special you are (even as an adult) :-)

But when it comes to eating & exercise, if you are not working with an expert,
I suggest getting Paul Chek's book 'How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy.'

It has a simple questionnaire to tell you:

What your individual requirements for eating are.

What level of stress you have which is how you determine what type of exercise you should do to get the best results.

Stress Management Exercises to reduce specific stress you may face.

Also, over the next 4 weeks, I am going to cover Hidden Sources of Fat and Reasons Why You Cant Lose Fat.

You may be able to find something you have been doing that is inhibiting your fat loss results, so stay tuned to the next 4 weeks of newsletters.

By the way.....
I dont make any mo.ney promoting Paul Chek's book.
But I do see hundreds of people getting amazing results because they got this book.

Go to amazon now and get it now

If you already have it, stay tuned to the next 4 newsletters for hidden issues that may be stopping you from sculpting a killer body and flattening your abs forever!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mind Body NYC

In case you don't me, here is a little bit of my history that will help you understand what this email is about...

I started training in the martial arts when I was 5 years old.
I lived in India and learned Yoga from real masters between the ages of 19 and 21.
When I came to NYC and developed my business, I created a holistic fitness, nutrition and lifestyle system that would help people not only get healthy and burn fat, but also reduce stress and achieve inner peace.
Yes, even in the middle of the concrete jungle, you can have a sense of inner peace and clarity.

I created four levels of fitness – from mind-body through high performance - and the one I find that offers some of the best benefits for busy New Yorkers is mind-body fitness.
I integrated various mind-body systems like Chi Gong and Yoga, into my own full body workout.

In fact, I teach a morning class several days a week along side the Hudson River down here in the West Village.

Mind-body exercise allows busy people, just like you, to take a moment and bring your attention inward instead of always thinking about everything outside and around you – it allows you to go inside and quiet the mind.

What are the benefits of mind body exercise and what does it have to do with fat loss???

Anytime you are challenged (stressed), you immediately go into a 'Fight or Flight' mode.
This is part of normal life - everyone's life has both support and challenge.
The problem arises when you have non-stop stress from too many sources and your body cannot adapt.
Stress produces cortisol, stress hormone, that interferes with most metabolic processes, and helps you store fat and age prematurely.
Excess cortisol is involved with almost every disease known to man and especially involved in fat distribution and weight gain.

The more stress you encounter and don’t manage properly --> the more your body stores fat and the less your body will be able to burn fat, because managing stress is more of a priority for the human being than weight loss

The more stress, the less your body's ability to tolerate aggressive exercise 9Like fat burning strength or interval training)
So, sometimes the best way to burn fat is to slow down and take it easy.
Allow your body to return to its natural state of balance and metabolic function.

For busy New Yorkers who face stress all day long and need some work-life balance, I teach a simple routine of mind-body exercises that focus on proper breathing patterns and quieting the mind that they can do in the morning or immediately after work.

Some of the benefits of mind-body fitness include:

• Reduce Stress and Manage Cortisol Levels
• Resilience to Everyday Stressors
• Dissolve Emotional Charges
• Balance Emotions
• Enhance Presence and Clarity
• Integrate Body, Mind and Spirit
• Reduce Muscle Tension and Anxiety
• Increase Focus and Sense of Purpose
• Improve Memory and Concentration
• Better Learning & Retention
• Increase Energy
• Improve Health & Wellness
• Reduce Insomnia
• Enhance your Ability to Enjoy Life
• Increased Self Esteem & Self Worth
• Improve Relationship with Self and Others
• Reduce Biological Aging

All of these benefits translate into looking and feeling better about yourself.
Mind Body Exercise will help you store less fat and improve your metabolic function and significantly improve your health.

There are many ways to learn and practice mind-body exercises.
The most obvious is Yoga and Chinese Exercise like Chi Gong.

Another simple way I suggest is to get Paul Chek's book 'How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy' and practice the Energizing Exercises in Chapter 6.
If you live in New York City and want to join me for a morning mind-body workout along the Hudson River, please email me for info and come join us!

Peace Out

Thursday, May 01, 2008

New Stealth Chemicals Hidden in Your Food - Articles

New Stealth Chemicals Hidden in Your Food - Articles

Another example of why WHOLE FOODS is superior to anything that comes in a can, bottle or bag or box.

If it wasn't here 10,000 years ago - DON'T EAT IT!

This is also a great reason why you can't trust the Food Manufacturing Industry.
This article also shows us that conventional food manufacturing and the FDA could be the biggest threat to our health and the future of our children.

A Pomegranate a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

A Pomegranate a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Here is an interesting article that explains some of the health benefits of whole foods - in this case, pomegranate. Now, I am not talking about fruit juice or 'POM' that is popular these days. I am talking about the whole fruit and the seeds as well.

There is no substitute for whole foods and since juices that you purchase in stores are pasteurized and are very high in sugars (even naturally occurring fruit sugars), packaged or bottled juices are simply not a good idea.

If you want to lose fat - or want a good snack for your kids - or want something sweet that wont derail your health, fitness and fat loss success, then i suggest finding out WHERE and WHEN you can get your hands on fresh, organic produce.

If I can find fresh, organic foods in the heart of the concrete jungle - then I am sure you can find them wherever you live as well.

Here are some powerful tips that will skyrocket your health -- Go online and find your local green market, Whole Foods or health food store and find out:
WHEN the produce is delivered
WHICH fruits and vegetables are grown locally
WHICH fruits and veggies are in season

Figure out HOW OFTEN you need to go grocery shopping as fresh produce goes bad withing 2-3 dyas

Follow these healthy lifestyle tips and your body will thank you!