Monday, April 28, 2008

Organic NYC

In case you don't know, I live in the Lower East Side of New York City.
It has a reputation for being not only the puck rock, but also the organic foods capital of the US.
There are more organic restaurants and health food stores here than most any other city anywhere.

I love it because I can get almost anything I want, whenever I want it.

I'm going to share with you a couple of my favorite spots for getting organic treats and eco-friendly skincare products....

Now, the treats I eat once in awhile are sweet...

In fact, I can get Strawberry Shortcake, Terra Misu, Coconut Ice Cream, Chocolate Chip Mint Milk Shakes and other treats

They are gourmet raw food treats and yes, they are delicious.
In fact, they can be very nutritious...but, they can also be heavy in calories and if you’re not careful, they will make you fat.

If you don’t know much about raw foods, also known as 'living foods' or 'life foods'...then you might be missing out.

A raw foods diet is very trendy right now, but it’s very unnatural.
It is also very unhealthy and built on a faulty premise and more importantly, it doesn't exist in nature.
There are some wonderful raw food people and powerful health benefits to eating raw foods, but overall it’s just
not wise for most people.

Raw foods are loaded with nuts and seeds which are difficult to digest for most.
There is also not enough saturated fat and protein to make it truly healthy.

Be warned - if it’s your first time to these places, raw foodists will try to sway
you into believing that their raw food diet is the one diet that’s perfect for all humanity -
this 'one size fits all' concept is one of the biggest myths and health obstacles people face today.

They do have excellent whole food snacks though that are loaded with enzymes and are nutrient dense.
They also use 'super foods' - foods like acai, maca, goji berries, Irish moss and coconut which are powerhouses of nutrition.

I encourage my clients to check out these places and try their snacks.
If you live in NYC, LA or other major metropolitan area - you are in luck, as raw food restaurants are popping up all over the place.
If you live elsewhere, just do an online search, get a cook book and a few ingredients and
try some of these recipes for yourself.

Here are some of my favorite places and some online resources to help you get started with raw food snacks....

The Most Important Nutrition Study Ever

Do you want to know what many experts consider to be the most important study on nutrition ever done?

Click on the link below to watch a short story on you tube, but you may want to understand the reasons first:

It was the only study ever done to compare eating habits of different cultures around the globe.

It was the only study ever done to compare the effects of industrialized, processed foods compared to organic, whole foods diet within the same people.

It discusses the first stages of degenerative diseases.

It also shows you some of the healthiest Nations in the world.

It is also the basis for biochemical individualization of nutrition - in other words, this study was the first and foremost study ever to demonstrate the importance of eating according to your unique Metabolic Type.

See a short video about this study by clicking HERE!

20 Worst Foods in America

I am going to let you in on a secret...

America is not leading the world in obesity, overweight people anymore
We definitely have the largest amount of obese teenagers, but...

Other countries have taken the lead with total obese people and other countries are quickly catching up

Here are 20 reasons why Americans are some of the fattest people on the planet -- and you just gotta laugh

Some of these meals have more calories than what some people eat ALL day long!

There is much more to successful fat loss than how many calories you take in -- the quality of those calories is more important, but even more importantly, the real question to ask is WHY are you eating whatever it is that you are eating?!?!

This article is pretty funny...check it out

20 Worst Foods in America

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

The most Important Nutrition Study ever done

Do you want to know what many experts consider to be the most important study on nutrition ever done?

Click on the link below to watch a short story on you tube, but you may want to understand the reasons first:

It was the only study ever done to compare different cultures around the globe.
It was the only study ever done to compare the effects of industrialized, processed foods compared to organic, whole foods diet within the same people.
It discusses the first stages of degenerative diseases.
It also shows you some of the healthiest Nations in the world.
It is also the basis for biochemical individualization of nutrition - in other words, this study was the first and foremost study ever to demonstrate the importance of eating according to your unique Metabolic Type.
See a short video about this study HERE

Why don't the French get FAT?

Why don't the French get Fat dammit!?!

I am going to tell you why French people dont get fat
It has to do with their mindset
Mindset is what my upcoming book Fat Loss Psychology is all about

Your mindset is your thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and strategies about how you see and live in this world
mindset is also the number one reason people are unhealthy and why 98% of dieters 'fail'

I will tell you why in a minute - but I am also going to let you in on a secret that might be more important:

Being skinny does not equal being healthy
In fact, being skinny or thin can be very unhealthy

I know lots of people who use extreme methods to get skinny
These methods are promoted in the media
People try these methods because they are popular

The first lesson I teach in my book is FOCUS
Instead of focusing on getting skinny
I suggest something much more empowering - focus is on getting healthy

You cannot lose weight to get healthy - You must get healthy in order to lose weight
A simple sift in focus can have profound effects

Now, on to the French...

There are several reasons why they are not as fat as Americans

First they eat more whole foods
Food, in general, in Europe is not as processed as it is in the US
Second, they eat more saturated fats
Third, they enjoy life and are not driven by fear & stress like Americans typically are
Finally, their Mindset!
They use internal cues - such as no longer feeling hungry to stop eating,
reports a new study from Cornell University. Americans tend to use external cues -
such as whether their plate is clean, they have run out of their beverage or
the TV show they're watching is over.

The reason they are not as fat as Americans lies in mainly in their mindset

However, if you are eating non-foods that are grown with synthetic pesticides or have
artificial ingredients you will find it difficult to know when you are done.
The brain has an appestat control system that lets you know when you are done.
The more distracted you are (TV, etc) or the more intoxicated you are (alcohol, food allergies) and the more junk foods you eat,
the more difficult it is for your body to function and your brain to get its signals.

I teach my clients to pay attention and be present when eating.
Having an 'attitude of food gratitude' will help you enjoy and digest your food better
Dont watch TV when eating
Chew your food well
Dont drink when eating

Simple tips = profound results.
