Saturday, November 18, 2006

November Newsletter

At Last! Welcome to the premiere issue of the Burn Sports Newsletter! It's taken some time, but as you will see, it is well worth the wait! This newsletter will serve one simple purpose and that is to cut through the confusion and give you the right info. I will share (and occaisonally review) books, dvd's, websites, movies, recipes, restaraunts, events, fitness tips and anything else that is essential in women's health and nutriton so you can look, feel and function your best!

As this newsletter grows, I will add my own column, have guest articles, interviews and more hot links to cool articles! Feel free to email with any questions or suggestions to Enjoy!

Healthy Urban Living

Everything You need to Know to Feel Go(o)d
by Candace Pert, Ph. D., former Chief of Brain Biochemistry and the Clinical Neuroscience Branch of the NIH. Candace is currently Scientific Director of RAPID Pharmaceuticals where she is developing Peptide T, a therapeutic for treatment of HIV. She is featured in the movie What the Bleep Do We Know!? and Bill Moyer's TV program Healing and the Mind. She is a former Research Professor at Georgetown University School of Medicine and Section Chief at the National Institute of Mental Health.

This new book is Candace Pert's response to the questions she’s been asked in her worldwide travels ever since the publication of her book 'Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine' and her appearance in the film What the Bleep Do We Know!?.

I first learned about Candace Pert a few years ago from my coach, Paul Chek, during a lecture titled Flatten Your Abs Forever! He explained how the right diet will balance your hormonal system which is the critical link to health and performance. Then I found out that my best friend Adam is her Massage Therapist. So I immediately read her book 'Molecules of Emotion' and was blown away! I saw her speak the other night and absolutely loved her. Candace is the cutting edge in science and she is often recognized as a champion of a modern, more dynamic undersatnding of our biochemistry which parallels what an emerging, powerful new paradigm in science Quantum Physics - is telling us. Candace Pert brings life to a new understanding of ourselves and blends it beautifully with classical neuroscience to give you just what the title promises.

Candace is absolutely wonderful and her important work has already changed the face of health and science as we knew it. I've been in the fitness industry for over a decade and can whole-heartedly tell you that her new book Everything You Need to Know to Feel Go(o)d is exactly what people need, not more treadmills, fitness classes or magazines.

Real Food: What to Eat and Why,
As many of my clients already know, this book is one of the most important books on food and nutrition to come out in years! If you eat food, you need this book!

Nina Planck is a food writer, entrepreneur and the leading expert on farmers' markets and local food. In New York City, Nina was Director of the famous Greenmarket, the largest network of farmers' markets in the US.

This book brings to mainstream light many of the important ideas I teach my clients - that real, whole foods - not processed, industrialized foods, are the cornerstone of healthy, robust cultures. These same foods have sustained people for thousands of years and the main ingredient that is found in these foods can also be seen in people that eat this way. In contrast, this most critical ingredient is exactly what's missing from the Standard American Diet and Lifestyle. Just what is this essential ingredient??? You can say something like freshness or enzymes or the basic raw ingredients needed for healthy brain and hormonal function, or you can call it as you'll recognize it best -VITALITY.

Her website is full of interesting and insightful articles on health, nutrition, local food, shopping and cooking. There is a blog, links and some of the best articles you can find on the pros and cons of dairy products.

My favorite articles on her website are The Virtues of Raw Milk, Can The Poor Afford Real Food and Factory Farms and E. Coli which was published in The New York Times, in response to the e.coli spinach scare a few months ago.

I am super excited for her next release - Baby Food.

Here is an excerpt from Publisher's Weekly on Real Food:
Nina Planck is a good, stylish writer and a dogged researcher who writes directly, forthrightly and with an edge. She isn't afraid to make the occasional wisecrack ("No doubt, for some people, cracking open an egg is one chore too many") while taking unpopular positions. Her chosen field—she is a champion of "real" (as opposed to industrialized) food—is one in which unpopular positions are easy to find. As Planck reveals, in her compellingly smart Real Food: What to Eat and Why, much of what we have learned about nutrition in the past generation or so is either misinformed or dead wrong, and almost all of the food invented in the last century, and especially since the Second World War, is worse than almost all of the food that we've been eating since we developed agriculture. This means, she says, that butter is better than margarine (so, for that matter, is lard); that whole eggs (especially those laid by hens who scratch around in the dirt) are better than egg whites, and that eggs in general are an integral part of a sound diet; that full-fat milk is preferable to skim, raw preferable to pasteurized, au naturel preferable to homogenized. She goes so far as to maintain—horror of horrors—that chopped liver mixed with real schmaltz and hard-boiled eggs is, in a very real way, a form of health food. Like those who've paved the way before her, she urges us to eat in a natural, old-fashioned way. But unlike many of them, and unlike her sometimes overbearing compatriots in the Slow Food movement, she is far from dogmatic, making her case casually, gently, persuasively.

Francesca's Fitness Tip
Q - What is one important thing that people need to know about geting results?

A - What you do for those 23 hrs outside the gym are much more important than the 1 hour you spend working out.

The benefits from exercise come after the workout, so you can’t get the most from your workout if you’re not eating right, sleeping right and managing stress. One mistake I see often, is people try to compensate by going to gym and working really hard to ‘burn off’ the bad choices they made the night before. That never works. If they made the right choices in the first place, they would feel better about themselves and work less to get better results! It’s all about the choices you make on a regular basis!

If you change your diet and lifestyle a little, then you can actually workout less and be more efficient and effective because your body responds better.

In this column, I will healp you create a new workout using core exercises that you can add to your current routine to get more energy, lose fat, improve strength, posture and confidence.

To start off, we'll focus on understaning the blueprint of successful workouts. First things first - we like to use the less is more approach. We have seen the best results from ourselves and our clients working out only 3 or 4 days per week. Your workouts should never last more than 60 minutes. It should start by stretching the short/tight muscles only and the warm up has to mimic the exercises you are planning on doing. Woodchops, breathing squats and swiss ball exercises are great ideas for warm up.

Then your workout – in order for your workout to be efficient, you should know exactly which exercises to do. Therefore, your workout should be based on some type of assessment. If your trainer isn't assessing, they are just guessing! Like most trainers, they are giving you random exercises that may not get you where you want to be. Talk to your trainer and if he/she does not know how to perform an assessment, then you should probably find someone who more qualified. You can search for a Chek Practitioner in your are or get Paul Chek’s book ‘How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy’ and learn how to do a simple assessment yourself.

Most everybody should be doing some type of 'Real Life' movement patterns such as pushing, pulling, squatting, lunging, bending and some type of rotational movement. After the main workout, do your core and swiss ball work. Always finish your routine with a breathing exercise, usually done in the Horse Stance position.

Each month we’ll show you a new exercise and over the next few newsletters, you’ll be able to combine these new exercises into a brand new Fat Burning Circuit Routine. In the meantime, practice each month's new exercise and add it to your current routine and have fun!

Secrets of Female Fat Loss

Homemade Ginger Tea
It's easy to make and has been used for thousands of years for health and healing. It bolsters your immune sytem, improves digestion, relieves nausea and has anti-cancer properties. You can enjoy it hot or cold and make it as strong or as weak
as you like.

It's really simple - get some ginger, preferably organic, from your local green market or health food store. Cut off a piece that's larger than your thumb. Slice it up thinly and boil it. As soon as it boils for a moment, not even a minute, turn off the heat. Squeeze in an entire lemon and it's done. To give it a kick, add a tiny pinch of cayenne pepper. If you are congested, this will do the trick. To make it sweet, add a small pinch of raw organic honey.

Warning - If you are sick, you want to stay away from all sugars, including honey. So yeah, that old wives tale about honey being good for you when your sick, is like most everything we have been led to belive about food and nurtition - it's wack. If you get sick during the winter months, the first thing I suggest is STOP doing what it takes to get sick and start doing what you need to do to be HEALTHY! Re-examine your mindset - what are your thoughts on health and disease? If you notice people around you, those that believe in 'cold and flu' season are typically the people that disagree with what I'm saying here and are constanlty getting sick! Go figure. If you get sick during the winter months, your diet and lifestyle need a change.

Stay tuned for next month's recipe - Coconut Avocado Soup! Woohoo!

For more information on how your thoughts and beliefs control your reality, check out The Secret.


Breathing for Stress Management and Fat Loss?
Do you have a high performance lifestyle and need strong energy levels all day long?

Learning how to breathe properly will not only increase your energy, but will also improve focus, relieves fatigue in minutes, reduce stress, enhance metabolism and fat burning and if done correctly, will help flatten your abs. You do it 20,000 times per day. Breathing correctly can improve your health and vitality dramatically. The question is, are you doing it effectively?

The FDA now approves breath-training as a recognized treatment for hypertension and over 1,000 additional studies show its effectiveness in relieving anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue and more.

You only need to learn the proper technique and practice it for a week or two before it happens naturally:

Sit up tall in your chair and place one hand on your tummy and the other on your chest. Inhale through your nose and fill up your tummy first - 2/3 of your breath should go into your tummy (its actually your diaphragm thah pushes out) and the last 1/3 goes into the chest. You fill your core like a baloon fills up with air.

As you exhale through your nose, draw your belly-button in towards your spine and perform a kegel exercise. Pracitce this correct technique as often as you can - at your desk, in a cab or subway, at home, whenever and wherever untill it happens naturally. This exercise is best done at the end of your workout, as your last exercise: go to your hands and knees (Horse Stance) and practice this for 10-20 breaths. After a week or two, you will be breathing like this without any effort or without having to 'think about it' - it will happen automatically. Breathe deep and breathe slow. Notice how long it takes you to take a full breath and try to increase that over time. Pay close attention to how you feel and you may be suprised to experience everything you read in the first paragraph above!

Breathing Resources:

DVD of the Month

The Meatrix 2.5
Watch a colorful cast of cartoon characters uncover the horrors of modern industrialized farming methods and see why it's so important to support local family farms and GO ORGANIC!

Burn Sports Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching

Create the body of your dreams.

A truly holistic, or whole-person, approach to nutrition, exercise and stress management. Learn the Secrets of Female Fat Loss by NYC's leading expert in Women's Fitnes.

Rev up your metabolism and reach your ideal weight
Fuel your body for explosive energy, radiant health and fat loss
Enhance your beauty and happiness with simple lifestyle changes

Get your own 70 page Healthy Living Manual
Lean exactly what to eat, how much to eat and when
3 Steps to a New You!
7 Critical Factors for Permananet Success
Avoid the 4 Main Reasons 95% of dieters fail
Learn simple exercises to balance Total Body Stress (emotional and physical).

For your free consultation, email:

What do you want to create?

Special Treat for reading this far

Thank you for checking out my first Newsletter! Please feel free to forward this to anyone you think would enjoy it!

Yours in Health,
President, Burn Sports

About Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching

I did not go to university to study nutrition, well, I went to school for a minute, but I decided to leave Ohio State and pursue a different path. I have been a musician my whole life and so I left school to tour with a friends' hardcore punk rock band and toured all over the country. After my first US tour, we all headed off to India. as it turned out, leaving school turned out to be one of the best decisions in my life.

During long train rides through the jungles of West Bengal , I met some amazing people. I also read some amazing books. Books like Siddharta, The Bhagadvad Gita and Think and Grow Rich. I studied Ayurveda, practiced yoga and martial arts, didn't drink or smoke and lived a life in exact opposite of what other 21 year olds were doing at this time in their life. After I returned home from my first trip to India, I packed my bags and my guitar and toured all over North America and Europe. I learned from being in a couple of really popular bands that if you want to be successful, a leader or live a life different than the masses, than you have to think, study, eat, speak and live differently from what everyone else is doing.

Since so many people in this country are obese, overweight, unhealthy or diseased - I looked for those who were not part of the masses and did things differently. I looked for people who were the best at what they did, especially in health and fitness. And since my mother dropped out of high school and later became a professional race car driver, a pilot, a sucessful entrepreneur, owned boats, really cool sports cars and property all over the world...oh wait, she also raised two kids all by herself and loved us unconditionally - I didn't care about what college degrees they had or where they went to school. I only cared about who they were as a person, what they had to offer and what kind of results they got with the work they do.

After my years touring in bands, I choose to settle down in NYC and pursue my professional education at the CHEK Institute for these key reasons:

Paul Chek, the founder, is one of the very few Nutrition experts that is actually healthy, in awesome shape, is ridiculously intelligent and practices what he preaches. The Chek Practitioners that I have met, are also some of the most knowledgeable and healthy experts in the field. More importantly, what are the RESULTS of their clients???? I have seen unbelievable, life-transforming RESULTS from people who have worked with Paul Chek or other students of the CHEK Institute. From professional athletes, to people of all ages with all types of crazy conditions...some conditions I never heard about. Many of these people had already seen multiple doctors, nutritionists, specialists of all types and got NO RESULTS. This was the most impressive factor - not what school you went to or what degree you had, but the RESULTS from the work you do and whether or not you practice what you preach.

The Burn Sports approach to nutrition is based on the teachings of Weston A Price. Dr. Price found that there is no ideal diet for all people and that each person has their own unique food requirements. This concept of identifying your unique biological requirements for food became known as the Metabolic Typing System and was popularized by William Wolcott in his ground-breaking book The Metabolic Typing Diet. Weston A Price found that real, organically grown foods were the corner stone of all healthy people, no matter where they lived and that processed, industrialized foods were the main causative factor in most physical degeneration and disease.

For great articles on Metabolic Typing, go to and click on FAQ

Also, go to Health Excel, and click on Information Library

For truth in health and nutrition education, go to

Intro to CHEK Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching Program

C.H.E.K. Certified Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach is much more than a title. It is a precise definition of a person’s knowledge, competence and experience working with a variety of clients with a variety of conditions and goals. After passing three levels of comprehensive certification programs involving metabolic typing, clinical nutrition and clinical management, and agree to abide by a strict Code of Ethics, healthcare practitioners earn the C.H.E.K. certification. Not all nutritionists are C.H.E.K. certified and therefore can not offer the following:

• A truly holistic, or whole-person, approach that addresses nutrition, exercise and stress management, lifestyle factors and spiritual development.

• Proven techniques and exercises to balance Total Body Stress (emotional and physical).

• An in-depth understanding the relationship that food, water, sleep and exercise has on your overall emotional and physical health and performance.

• The ONLY nutrition program that emphasizes getting yourself healthy as a requisite qualification to helping others.

Furthermore, the C.H.E.K. NLC Program offers and in-depth understanding of the relationship between organic food, organic farming and the health of both humanity and the planet.

When you choose a C.H.E.K. Certified Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach, you will be working with an international team of distinguished professionals dedicated to improving the quality of people’s lives by serving the nutritional, lifestyle and wellness needs of individuals, families, corporations, professional sports teams and athletes.

It is a fundamental principle of the C.H.E.K philosophy that C.H.E.K. Practitioners are fit, healthy, intelligent and compassionate people that lead by example. The world is filled with unhealthy health and fitness ‘experts’ and the C.H.E.K Institute’s Certification Programs seeks to rectify that problem by producing healthy leaders! For more information, go to

Two of the most unique and useful health and nutrition resources available:

The Weston A Price Foundations
Weston A. Price Foundation stand united in the belief that modern technology should be harnessed as a servant to the wise and nurturing traditions of our ancestors rather than used as a force destructive to the environment and human health; and that science and knowledge can validate those traditions.

The Weston A. Price Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 to disseminate the research of nutrition pioneer Dr. Weston Price, whose studies of isolated non-industrialized peoples established the parameters of human health and determined the optimum characteristics of human diets. Dr. Price's research demonstrated that humans achieve perfect physical form and perfect health generation after generation only when they consume nutrient-dense whole foods and the vital fat-soluble activators found exclusively in animal fats. It supports a number of movements that contribute to this objective including accurate nutrition instruction, organic and biodynamic farming, pasture-feeding of livestock, community-supported farms, honest and informative labeling, prepared parenting and nurturing therapies. Specific goals include establishment of universal access to clean, certified raw milk and a ban on the use of soy formula for infants.

The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation,
a non-profit educational organization, is a clearinghouse of information on healthful lifestyles, ecology, sound nutrition, alternative medicine, humane farming and organic gardening. To learn how physical degeneration occurred when our ancestors ate "modern" food, click here:

Sunday, October 22, 2006

About Burn Sports and Antonio

BIO 2006

Antonio Valladares is president of Burn Sports, a Holistic Health and Performance Coaching Company based in New York City. He is a Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach, Sports Performance Specialist, Corrective Exercise Kinesiologist, licensed Massage Therapist and has been a Certified Personal Trainer since 1994.
A pioneer in the fitness industry, Antonio offers an alternative to mainstream fitness – purposeful training that delivers results far beyond those offered by bulking up or endless running on treadmills.

Throughout his career, Antonio has pursued specialized training and education from world leaders in holistic health and nutrition, rehabilitation, exercise and sports sciences, psychology and human performance. Working with hundreds of clients for over ten years has given Antonio the experience to refine the art of individualized coaching. This education and experience has helped Antonio sharpen his skill for designing customized fitness, nutrition and lifestyle programs that deliver powerful, life-changing results.

Antonio grew up in the sand and sun of Miami Beach - the perfect integration of urban culture and beach life. He started training in Shotokan Karate at 5 years old and was scuba diving throughout the Caribbean by 12. He spent his youth exploring endless miles of beaches and undeveloped land by horseback, motocross and BMX creating a lifetime appreciation for outdoor sports and healthy living.
He spent his teenage years involved in water sports, snow sports, Judo, Tae Kwon Do and played football. He attended Riverside Military Academy and later, high school in Israel, before studying at Ohio State University. Soon thereafter, music and curiosity propelled him around the globe touring in some of the most well-known hardcore punk rock bands of the time. These ‘straight-edge’ bands not only promoted a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle, but also practiced and encouraged healthy living, yoga and martial arts.

Antonio continued to travel throughout Europe, Central America, Southeast Asia, New Zealand and Australia. Each new locale meant a different culture and a unique take on healthy living.

He attributes his trips to Israel and India as the catalyst to his personal growth and career development. Traversing India into the Himalayas, Antonio studied Ayurveda and practiced hatha and bhakti yoga. He had his first article, Ayurvedic Secrets for Health Living, published at 21 years old.
Surfing in Costa Rica, scuba diving in Belize, mountain biking and snowboarding in Vermont along with his own practice of calisthenics, yoga, martial arts and sport specific training demonstrated the importance of total body balance and usable strength. ‘Real-life’ movements were an integral part of his well-rounded fitness program that included flexibility, stability, agility, coordination, balance and strength.

Antonio settled in New York City to develop his health and fitness career. Personal fitness would never be the same again.

The History

Antonio became a certified personal trainer in 1994 and soon thereafter became a licensed Massage Therapist. He graduated from The Swedish Institute College of Health Sciences where he studied Eastern and Western techniques, including Shiatsu, medical and sports massage. Antonio integrated fitness and massage and consulted for several healthcare practitioners including The New York Institute for Brain and Spinal Surgery.

On-going professional development has kept Antonio on the leading edge and his innovative programs have set examples many others would follow. He is the creator of Burn! – a series of programs that brought a thoughtful approach to total body fitness and emphasized ‘real-life’ movements, core conditioning and strengthening the entire person from the inside out.

In 1998, Antonio’s Mountain Bike Burn! was the first ever action sports class in NYC and rated ‘Best Outdoor Workout’ in 1999.

In 2000, he created Burn! Med Ball which brought medicine ball and functional strength training to the forefront of New York City’s premiere health clubs - Equinox and Sports Club LA. The black sheep of group fitness, Burn! offered an alternative to the frantic energy and ‘one size fits all’ approach that is the hallmark of group fitness. Burn! played no music and provided individualized instruction in proper exercise technique.

In 2001, he created Burn! Women’s Fitness – a semi-private, women-specific fitness program integrating mind-body exercise with high performance fitness.

In 2003, he founded Burn Sports – a health and performance coaching company which provides holistic health coaching: fitness and nutrition combined with stress management. Unlike most fitness programs, the Burn Sports’ method utilizes a time-efficient, ‘less is more’ approach to fitness training. More important than customized fitness programs are the lifestyle and nutrition solutions for the 160+ hours the client is not exercising.

In his quest to be the best in his field, Antonio found The C.H.E.K. Institute -- the only organization to offer a comprehensive exercise curriculum integrated with a nutrition and stress management program. More importantly, it is the ONLY program that requires getting yourself healthy as requisite qualification to helping others.

A sample of his professional development and educational achievements include:

• ACE American Council on Exercise (1994)
• ACSM American College of Sports Medicine (1996)
• LMT New York State Licensed Massage Therapist (1996)
• AAHFP American Academy of Health and Fitness Professionals (1996)
• Madd Dog Athletics Spinning (1998)
• APEX Fitness and Nutrition (2000)
• NASM National Academy of Sports Medicine (2003)
• CHEK Corrective High Performance Exercise Kinesiology (2004)
• CHEK Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach (2006)

The Method

Based on the individual needs and goals of each client, the Burn Sports method safely and effectively addresses the health, wellness, fitness, posture and performance needs of any client, with any goal:

• Rehabilitative and Corrective Exercise
• Wellness and Mind-Body Techniques
• Youth Fitness and Nutrition
• Pre-Post Natal Fitness
• Specialized Medical Fitness
• Weight-loss through High Performance Fitness
• Performance Training for Athletes

The success of the Burn Sports method comes from Comprehensive Health Appraisals, Fitness and Lifestyle Evaluations. These detailed assessments allow us to develop individualized blueprints for each program, by addressing:

Total Body Stress
Medical & Injury History
Exercise History
Posture & Gait
Joint Stability & Range of Motion
Muscle Balance
Functional Movement Patterns
Strength & Conditioning
Lifestyle and Nutritional habits Metabolic Typing


Burn Sports is New York City’s leading edge in customized fitness and is well-known for shaping and transforming the lives of clients with a wide variety of goals. Burn Sports provides one-on-one coaching and group workshops in:

• Personal Fitness Coaching
• Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching
• Sports Performance Training and Nutrition
• Youth Athlete Development
• Corporate Wellness and Stress Management
• Workshops for Fitness Professionals

Burn Sports has developed an integrated model of care by connecting with other world-leaders in holistic health, wellness and performance. We offer acupuncture, shiatsu and sports massage, sports chiropractic, sports nutrition, holistic health and nutrition, fitness and performance coaching services. We offer a range of tests to determine the hidden, causative factors of poor health, decreased performance, fatigue and disease. Testing is done through BioHealth Diagnostics,

• Hormonal Balance (Adrenal, Thyroid, Sex Hormones)
• Metabolism (Liver Function, Oxidative Stress, Digestion)
• Digestive and Gastrointestinal Testing
• Immunology and Blood Chemistry

Antonio has successfully helped hundreds of New Yorkers improve their health and vitality with a holistic approach to diet, exercise and stress management. Antonio’s results-driven, integrated fitness system has been featured in Sports Illustrated Women, The New York Times, Woman’s Day, Time Out, Mountain Bike, Paper, NY1 and he was voted Personal Trainer of the Year by Quest Magazine. To book Antonio for corporate workshops or personal coaching, please contact

Antonio also serves as a health & fitness mentor for underprivileged and at-risk youths in Harlem. To find out more or to get involved, please go to

An introduction to The Corrective High-Performance Exercise Kinesiologist (C.H.E.K) Certification Program.

Developed by Paul Chek MSS, HHP, NMT, the C.H.E.K. Institute Certification Program is founded upon fifteen years of Mr. Chek's clinical experience in the fields of orthopedic rehabilitation and strength coaching. His unique approach to rehabilitative exercise has served as the foundation upon which many elite professional teams and organizations build their performance programs.

The C.H.E.K Certification Program is designed to produce the finest and most highly trained exercise therapists and strength and conditioning specialists in the world.

Unlike any other certification program for exercise professionals, the C.H.E.K Certification Program is completed in four blocks ranging from five to nine days of intensive modules, taught in a focused small-group setting, followed by three to four days of examinations at the completion of the program.

Graduates of the C.H.E.K Certification Program have proven proficiency by practical and written examination, demonstrating:
• In-depth understanding of advanced level functional anatomy and kinesiology
• Mastery of strength training theory and practical objective assessment
• Ability to proficiently design both rehabilitative and sports performance exercise programs
• Ability to critically analyze current research and theories
• Effective communication skills with clients and other health care professionals, both orally and in writing.

Prior to being certified as a Corrective High-performance Exercise Kinesiologist each student must pass extensive written and practical examinations, complete a written thesis and submit a video presentation.

The C.H.E.K Certification Program is a two- to four-year program with approximately 6 months between modules. Students are expected to practice and become familiar with all techniques taught in each level of the program, before applying for the next level.

It is a fundamental principle of the C.H.E.K philosophy that C.H.EK. Practitioners are fit, healthy, intelligent and compassionate people that lead by example. The world is filled with unhealthy health and fitness ‘experts’ and the C.H.E.K Institute’s Certification Programs seeks to rectify that problem by producing healthy leaders! For more information, go to